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The Six Figure
Burnout-Free Business Mastermind

A 12-week live group coaching mastermind for content creators and entrepreneurs looking to build a burnout-free online business that brings sustainable mental and financial freedom into their everyday lives.

The best part?

We're doing it the mental health way.
And we're doing it God's way.

Monetize your biz

Monetize your business by learning high-converting, authentic marketing and branding strategies that will take your business's leads, customers, and impact to a whole new level

Minimize your burnout

Minimize your burnout by growing in confidence, mastering time management, and learning the God-empowered mental shifts you need to get the 2.0 version of you unlocked.

Maximize your faith

Maximize your faith by learning the concept behind stewardship, spiritual wealth, and growing in trust with Jesus...your #1 business partner.

The next 12-week mastermind will take place in the summer or fall of 2024.

We look forward to teaching you, coaching you, guiding you, and holding you accountable in the upcoming group coaching experience!

Got immediate questions about it? Just email and we will be right with you :)

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